Welcome to the Blog

A warm welcome…
Welcome to the blog.
This is the second incarnation of my blog. After my site redesign I also wanted to start (almost) afresh with my blog too, and what you will see in the following days, months and years will be the result.
I say almost afresh because I have transferred one set of entries from my original blog to here; After the earthquake – the first 10 days. This was written in the aftermath of the earthquake, tsunami and meltdown in the Fukushima nuclear power station which almost saw my sanity go into meltdown too. I’ve included them as archive blog entries here for anyone who may be interested in that time, but mostly so that I don’t forget. Life can sometimes change for the better/worse suddenly and without warning, and we should never forget that fact. If you haven’t read these entries, then I would strongly recommend them – there are very few images because I stopped shooting during that period, but they contain a certain amount of humour and some wry observations about things happening at that time.
In terms of what to expect in my blog it will be a real mix: posts based around images, life in Japan, issues around being a photographer, and life in general. It’s a kind of view from inside my mind kind of blog. From time to time I may also give my impressions of equipment, and a few entries on things that may improve your own photography skills.
I try to write in an accessible way, with a little humour thrown in. Please feel free to comment on my images and posts, as it’s always nice to hear from people who read and look at my work. Please don’t post any links in comments that you write as they will automatically get deleted as spam.
Read, look, & enjoy
1 Comment
28/07/2012Love the new website. Keep on doing what your doing! x