Here we snow again
The weather is capricious at the best of times, but in recent weeks it has seemed to be on a whole new level of unpredictability. Blizzards in North America, Storms in the UK, and in Tokyo temperatures that go up and down like a yo-yo. It seems whatever supreme being that controls the weather is having a bit of laugh with us, throwing a weather dice and giggling as we try to deal with the consequences in our usual human half-arsed way.
Last weekend Tokyo experienced its second severe snow storm in a week. Two days before the first one the temperature was 15c and I was wondering whether it was worth wearing a coat to work. Two days later I’m dragging my biggest heaviest clothes out of the wardrobe and wearing so many that you had to look hard to find my eyes as I left the house. I looked like a clothes that had suddenly come to life and was making a break for freedom.
Severe weather, though, is interesting for a photographer, and as cold as it was my camera still came with me everywhere I went. Here is the result. Here we snow again….
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09/03/2014Some very good shots; I love the b/w.
10/03/2014Glad you liked them HF. Hope all is well with you.