The march Japan doesn’t want you to see.

It’s August 15th – anniversary of the end of World War II. Hundreds of riot police line a Tokyo street leading to the controversial Yasukuni shrine – a shrine which remembers Japan’s war dead, including over 1000 men convicted as war criminals, 14 of which are ‘Class A’. On TV there is a lot of […]
Here we snow again

The weather is capricious at the best of times, but in recent weeks it has seemed to be on a whole new level of unpredictability. Blizzards in North America, Storms in the UK, and in Tokyo temperatures that go up and down like a yo-yo. It seems whatever supreme being that controls the weather is […]
Alone in Public 2

This is Part Two in the series ‘Alone in Public’. You can see part one here Tokyo is home to over 12m people, all cramped into small apartments and offices. It’s difficult to find a space to be alone. Some overcome this by shutting themselves away in their rooms and almost never coming out, others […]
Heart Beaters – the drummers of yoyogi park

Like a beating heart, near the centre of Yoyogi park you will find the drummers. They can be found every Sunday in the same spot jamming with a multitude of different drums. Some are regulars, some simply bring along a drum to join in the spontaneous and improvised beats that greet your ears as you […]
Alone in Public

Tokyo is home to over 12m people, all cramped into small apartments and offices. It’s difficult to find a space to be alone. Some overcome this by shutting themselves away in their rooms and almost never coming out, others have just found a way to cope with it, but some simply find a way to […]